- Trading Terminal: Trade and price characteristics of a trading instrument are now shown in a separate Details tab of the Market Watch:

- Trading Terminal: Fixed downloading of the terminal and MetaEditor documentation files.
- Trading Terminal: Fixed setting of filtration parameters in a trading history after an account is changed.
- Trading Terminal: Redesigned the server selection dialog box that appears when opening a demo account.
- Trading Terminal: Fixed and accelerated displaying of the Depth of Market.
- Trading Terminal: Fixed saving of an Expert Advisor running on a chart when changing a profile.
- Trading Terminal: Fixed displaying of emails requiring confirmation of a client certificate for further authorization.
- Trading Terminal: Fixed terminal crash when a Windows session is closed with a failure.
- Trading Terminal: Fixed incorrect display of monetary values for systems, whose languages are with the left to right text direction.
- Trading Terminal: Changes made to improve stability of the terminal under Wine.
- MQL5: Fixed control of the visibility of graphical objects on different timeframes.
- MQL5: Fixed values of the clrAqua and clrFuchsia color constants.
- MQL5: Expanded validation of timeseries data requests.
- MQL5: Fixed changing of size of dynamic arrays.
- MQL5: Changed version of .ex5 files. All MQL5 programs must be recompiled.
- MQL5: In classes of arrays of primitive type, added linear search methods.
- MetaTester: Expanded control over the use of resources by Cloud tester agents (use of CPU, memory and hard disk).
- MetaTester: Fixed validation of dates of single test intervals.
- MetaTester: Fixed reset of the list of selected symbols before each test pass.
- MetaTester: Fixed scanning and displaying of the list of available Cloud servers.
- MetaTester: Added proxy support in connections to the Cloud network.
- MetaTester: Fixed the "no history" error in optimizations run using the Cloud network.
- MetaTester: In the visual tester corrected automatic adding of custom indicators that are plotted in a separate window.
- Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
- Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe?utm_source=www.metatrader5.com
See the previous news, please: